Acupuncture is covered by some health insurance plans. Balance By Julie now accepts the following health insurances: Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts, United Healthcare, Aetna and Allways. Since each individual health plan is unique, it is best to call your insurance company to inquire about your acupuncture benefits or contact me and provide me your insurance information and date of birth at least 1-2 business days ahead of time so we may verify it for you.
** I no longer accept BMC or Cigna insurance. **
Some of the questions that verification will obtain are:
- Does your specific plan cover Acupuncture Services?
- Do you have in or out-of-network coverage?
- Do you have an annual deductible that needs to be met?
- Does your coverage have any exclusions or limitations?
- Is there a co-pay? Deductible? Limit to the number of visits? Prior authorizations?
If your policy covers our treatments, we will bill your insurance provider for our services. If our services are not covered under your plan, then you will be informed of alternate payment options for future treatments during your consultation. We accept cash, check and most major credit cards.
We accept insurance for acupuncture patients. In order to best serve you, we can verify your insurance benefits before you arrive.
Please email Julie a picture of your insurance information card and your birth date 1-2 business days before your visit. We will contact you as soon as the benefits are established.